5th August,2018

Why should you choose 4 D Journal to Publish your Research Paper ?

By: Prof. Ashok  Sinha

A Research Paper is not worth if it is not shared with the world. Therefore publishing a paper in a journal which introduces your paper to the world at the minimum time is very important.4D International Journals do take utmost care to take your paper to 4oo Universities and 3 lakhs research scholars across the globe.

One publishes a paper to communicate with the research community about some new findings/perspectives of a topic. Publishing a paper actually tells that one had solved some original problem and had contributed to the field even if the value added to the field is very incremental. Publishing a paper is always a good idea but publishing something just for the sake of publishing doesn’t have much value. It can be easily figured out by domain experts which research paper is novel or which is just kind of stamp collection.

Advantages of publishing your paper in “4 D International Journal of Management And Science “

1. It is plagiarism free and takes full care of Copy Right provisions

2. It is listed in all major Directories of the World and the recent being I S I (International Scientific Indexing )




(1) Listed in Ulrich Directory, USA

(2) Indexed in EBSCO

(3) Western Theological Seminary(Beardslee Library) Holland, Europe

(4) Library-University of Saskatchewan-CANADA

(5) AAAS JOURNAL-American for the Advancement of Science

(6) Cal State Monterey Bay Library, California, USA

(7) OSHU-Oregon Health & Science University-Portland, Oregon.USA….

(8) Researcher Gate

(9)Cite Factor-Academic Scientific Journals

(10) R-Tools Technology Inc., CANADA

(11)Cosmos, Berlin Brandenburg, Germany

(12) ISI

And many more across the Globe …


(A) Licence partnership with EBSCO.USA

(B)A licence agreement with Gale-Cengage, Michigan, USA


 4. Selection of Papers is 30% of all the papers received

 5.Peer-reviewed publication by the established Professors and Academicians.

 6. It is published and administered both from India and USA

 7. Our Editorial board and Editorial Team has International academicians in a right perspective..

 With profound good wishes to join us ..