
“How You are Spending Your Allotted Life Span Hours?”

By Prof. Ashok Sinha 

Time ia fixed.Time is precious.Time doesn’t listen to any one. Time never stops.

Time never wait for any one,come what so ever may be.We are all aware of these attibutes of time.

But the question is are we aware of ourself as to how we are really spending our totall life span hours? We simply try to play zig-zag and approach time management in a disintegrated manner.The result is -either we give soon or concentrate on irrelevant or at best peruade one thing at the coast of another.If we know the total hours of our life span then we can certainly restructure from thewhole and manage our time to the best possible result.

Are you aware how many hours you are spending at your work place? We all think that we spend major chunk of our life span for earning our livelihood, during our total life span. I have the following statistics to reveal how we spend total hours allotted to us by the Almighty. The average life span if considered as 70 years and one year as 365 days and one day as 24 hours. That means we have 613200 hours (70x365x24) at our disposal. At an average of 7 hours a day we spend in sleeping, that is (70x365x7) 1,78,850 hours. Thus the balance hours at our disposal remain (6,13,200-1,78,850)only 4,35,350.

Study: – The most important part of our life is preparation for the livelihood, through study. It goes up to 25 years (average), This means we are left with (70-25) 45 years. Considering the retirement age of 60 years, we have now (60-25) 35 years as working hours at our disposal.

The professionals work for 5 days a week leaving Saturday and Sunday. It is approx. 96 days. We are now working for (365-96)269 days which is (269x24x35)2,25,960 hrs. Now let us deduct sleeping hours (269x35x7)65,905 hrs from it. It remains1,60,055 as total working hours. Now consider the following statistics, which we are knowingly or unknowingly spending.

(a)   6 month we are spending on traffic lights                                        –      4,380 hrs

(b)   1 years arranging desk clutters                                                       –       8,760 hrs

(c)   2 years contacting busy people on phone and others                     –     17,376 hrs

(d)   5 years waiting  in ques and lines                                                   –      43,800 hrs

(e)   3 years sitting in  unproductive meetings                                        –      26,280 hrs

Total 1,00,596 hrs

If we deduct it from the total working hours we work actually for (1,60,055-1,00,596) 59,459 hrs which is 9.69% of the total hrs of our life span..

Thus our myth that we spend  a majour amount of time in earning our livelihood is not correct.There are certain ares from where we can steal our time and allot it to some useful areas,and that would be our real time management.,

Note: – The Statistics are of approx: value and not of the exact mathematical accuracy. The purpose is to make you aware as to how we are wasting our time and loosing opportunities which otherwise can we utilized for a higher realm.

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